HJ008 Introduced in the House!
“Things continue to evolve quickly. After the defeat of SJ0002 in the Senate Minerals committee yesterday, a new resolution has now been introduced in the Wyoming House of Representatives.
SJ0002 failed to pass committee because several Senators who support the 28th Amendment were uncomfortable asking for a limited convention of states to propose that amendment pursuant to Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, HJ0008, Free and Fair Elections, has now been introduced in the House, asking Congress to propose the needed amendment, not a convention of states.
We believe HJ0008 satisfies the concerns of the Senators who voted no on SJ0002, and therefore has a good chance of success. We are now awaiting a committee assignment in the House, and will update all of our volunteers when that assignment has occurred.
The text of the bill can be found at https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2019/HJ0008.”
-Ken Chestek, Chair, Wyoming Promise