Statewide Conference Call Feb 17, 2020
REMINDER: Coffee and Cake with Legislators, Monday, February 24, 9:00 – 10:00 am, WO53 off Connector, Wyoming State Capitol Building in Cheyenne.
Before that event, we would like to invite anyone interested to a short 30 minute all volunteer call on Monday, February 17, 7:00 pm. To participate in the call, please click on this LINK to register, and you will be emailed instructions on how to join.
Our CALL TO ACTION will be to contact your state representatives to get a version of our FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS legislation considered as an interim topic this summer before the next general session in 2021, where we hope to have this successfully introduced and adopted. If you are planning on attending the event at the capitol, please let us know so we have a rough estimate of attendees.
“The Wyoming Constitution guarantees equal rights to ‘members of the human race’. Corporations are not people…We must get this ‘dark money’ out of our political system … join us – there is work to do!” —Alan K. Simpson, Former U.S. Senator, Wyoming (1979-1997)