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Please Contact Your Senator ASAP

(To read about the House version, HJ0008, click here.)

SJ0008, Free and Fair Elections, is out of committee and on the general file. We hope Senator Wasserberger will be able to get the first reading on the floor on Monday, January 28, 2019.

Right now: We need you to contact your state senator to vote “Yes on SJ0008”!

If you are a constituent and/or have a personal relationship with your senator and would like to leave a message for them to call you back about this issue please use the following number:


If you are not a constituent and/or do not have a personal relationship with your senator about this issue please use the following number to voice your support (Be brief – “YES on SJ008”):


These numbers are only good 7:30 am – 5:30 pm M-F, so you should email your legislator this weekend if cannot call during those hours. You can find additional phone numbers and email contact information for your Senators at this link:

https://wyomingpromise.org/find-your-legislator. And again, please be polite and brief.

We will let you know when to contact your members of the House, as they have not yet set a meeting for the Corporations committee.

Here is the link to the language of SJ008: https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2019/SJ0008

Your words are best, but if it will help whet your whistle, we have talking points under the resources tab of our website, https://wyomingpromise.org/more-information/.

Feel free to post with your friends, neighbors, and the people in your life who want to restore democracy in Wyoming – the best way to keep in touch is still to sign up to volunteer on our website. Thanks so much for your time and effort. All the best to you moving forward, and stay strong!

–Shelby Shadwell, Wyoming Promise Treasurer


We’re advocating for a 28th amendment to the United States Constitution to overturn the 2010 United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC, and thereby create space for campaign finance reforms at the national and state-levels.


Wyoming Promise
P.O. Box 511
Laramie, WY 82073