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SJ008 Resolution Committee Re-assignment

“The Senate version of our new resolution, SJ008, has today been re-assigned to the Senate Minerals Committee. There is no longer any need to contact members of the Senate Corporations Committee. We have been in touch with members of the Senate Minerals Committee already, and it looks like we have a chance to get this passed. For that reason, we are asking that you do not show up for any hearing meetings – you all did great work last week, and the committee members are definitely familiar with the issue and effort because of that – SO THANK YOU!
HJ008, which calls on Congress to propose the 28th Amendment, was assigned to the House Corporations, Elections and Local Government Committee, but we do not have a committee meeting scheduled yet. SJ008 is identical to HJ008, so both resolutions will now proceed on separate tracks. The Legislative Service Office will step in to mediate which one goes forward if they both clear committee.

RIGHT NOW, although we hope that SJ008 will pass, we need constituents of the committee members in the House to contact their legislators to express support for the House side resolution and solicit YES votes to prime the pump for any upcoming committee meeting – “YES on HJ008!”. The members of the House committee are:


Tyler Lindholm, Chair (Crook) – important
Jim Blackburn (Laramie)
Aaron Clausen (Converse) – important
Scott Clem (Campbell)
Andrea Clifford (Fremont)
Shelly Duncan (Goshen/Platte) (bill co-sponsor)
Roy Edwards (Campbell)
Danny Eyre (Uinta) – important
Dan Furphy (Albany) (bill co-sponsor)

If any of these House members are your representatives, or if you have a personal connection with any of them, PLEASE contact them ASAP to express your support for HJ008.

If you are a constituent and/or have a personal relationship with one of these committee members and would like to leave a message for them to call you back about this issue please use the following number: 307-777-7711.

If you are not a constituent and/or do not have a personal relationship with one of the committee members about this issue please use the following number to voice your support (Be brief – YES on HJ008): 866-996-8683.

Second best would be an email. You can find other phone numbers and email contact information for your Representatives at this link: https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislators. And again, please be polite and brief!”

Ken Chestek, Chair, Wyoming Promise

p.s. Thanks again to everyone who made it to the Legislative lunch last Friday. It was a great turnout, and a very important chance to inform our representatives about the newest Free and Fair Elections legislation.


We’re advocating for a 28th amendment to the United States Constitution to overturn the 2010 United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC, and thereby create space for campaign finance reforms at the national and state-levels.


Wyoming Promise
P.O. Box 511
Laramie, WY 82073