Phone Call Recap

Hello, and thanks to those of you who were able to join our statewide volunteer call last night. We hope that you are all staying well in these challenging times. If you were unable to make the call, you can find an AUDIO VERSION OF THE CALL HERE.

The Wyoming Legislature will next [...]

Coffee and Cake with Legislators!

REMINDER: Coffee and Cake with Legislators, Monday, February 24, 9:00 - 10:00 am, WO53 off Connector, Wyoming State Capitol Building in Cheyenne.

If you are planning on attending the event at the capitol, please let us know so we have a rough estimate of attendees.

Statewide Conference Call Feb 17, 2020

REMINDER: Coffee and Cake with Legislators, Monday, February 24, 9:00 – 10:00 am, WO53 off Connector, Wyoming State Capitol Building in Cheyenne.

Before that event, we would like to invite anyone interested to a short 30 minute all volunteer call on Monday, February 17, 7:00 pm. To participate in the call, please click on this LINK to register, and you [...]

Statewide Conference Call, Nov 20, 2019

The Wyoming Promise Board of Directors recently met to discuss our efforts moving forward. One of the results of our discussion was to schedule a statewide conference call for all volunteers and individuals interested in sharing information and participating in two upcoming activities that will help keep this issue on our lawmakers’ radar as we seek to re-introduce FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS [...]

Report from Organizational Meeting in April 2019

At our retreat in Casper in April, we decided as a group to focus our efforts on persuading the legislature to adopt a resolution calling on Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to overturn the rationale that led to the Citizens United decision. The idea is to add Wyoming to the list of states (now up to 20) that are ready to ratify an amendment to [...]

Special Rate at the Quality Inn!


The Ramkota HotelThe Quality Inn has agreed to a special rate for this Volunteer Event of the Season!

$79 + 9% lodging tax per night

They have a block of rooms available. The rate will [...]

Update and Planning

Thanks to everyone who has already responded to attending the Wyoming Promise Retreat in Casper on Friday, April 19 – Saturday, April 20 to help plan our path forward!

There is still time to let us know if you would like to attend if you have not responded yet, but please do so as soon as possible. We are in the process of finalizing organization details such as hotel [...]


We’re advocating for a 28th amendment to the United States Constitution to overturn the 2010 United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC, and thereby create space for campaign finance reforms at the national and state-levels.


Wyoming Promise
P.O. Box 511
Laramie, WY 82073